Arvid Nilsen

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since Dec 26, 2013
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Hi I'm from Scandinavia, Born Norwegian, but lives in Sweden on my little farm in the deep forest of Vermland. I love what are doing and I have learned a hole lot of smart things about the thing we're talking about all the time at

Is there any possibility for Scandinavia to have a region in the regional forums? The reason I wonder about this is that we don't have the same climate as Europe, we have winters, with few hours of daylight, and summers with never ending light like nowhere else.

To meet other Scandinavians in a forum knowing and learning about each others achievements and problems would be great for everybody!

I'm living at 60 grades north (almost like Anchorage, Alaska) and Scandinavia reach from 54 grades north up to 71 grades north, It's not possible to get closer to the north pole on mainland in the world) But this is not like Siberia or Alaska, we have no permafrost, summers are longer and winter's not that hard or long helped by the hot gulf-stream running up the north Atlantic sea that gives us our special climate and keeps Europe out of the fridge

I know there are many (relatively, when there's only ca 30 million people in Scandinavia) who likes the idea about living more natural and self sufficient.

You all are doing a great job at

Arvid K Nilsen
11 years ago