michael valdez

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since Jan 14, 2014
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Recent posts by michael valdez

Allen, thanks for your advise. i'm sure it's well intentioned.

Unfortunately for us town-runs are very far and very few between.
So ready or not, yesterday i had to buy the materials based on my own calculations.
My post was simply intended to get some feed back from others in order to check that my calculations were at least in the "ball-park".

11 years ago
I'm pouring a 6" J-core where the riser is to fit in a 55 gal. barrel.
How much fire-clay, perlite, and furnace cement should i get for the whole core?
11 years ago
Thanks Allen, thanks Thomas.
11 years ago
is Lincoln fire clay ok for a poured J-core?
there's no Muddox fire clay in my area.
11 years ago
Thanks Dale,
Sorry about the two part question.
So when you said probably not, did you mean no, i probably don't have to use store-bought fire-clay, or no, i probably shouldn't use my left over, dug - myself, cob clay??
11 years ago
Do i have to use store-bought fire-clay when pouring a J-tube burn-core, or can i use my left-over cob clay i dug myself in the pour mix with perilite and furnace cement??
11 years ago