we have quite a few hickory also. i have lots of black cherry i thought would make good gunstocks and such along with smoking foods. thanks for the input guys. i need to become a better woodworker as my medium of choice is metal for now. We need to get all the Ozark/arkansas folks together for a permies seed swap or something fun.
i do have some i am using for shitake but forgot to mention. i also plan to fence off some woods for pigs to finish on acorns one day. i have heard of making acorn flour.
Hello all i am wondering about peoples less common uses for oak logs. i do not have a sawmill(yet). i uses oak to heat my home, raised beds borders and hugel, also for smoking foods. What else do yall uses oak logs for?
Sepp Holzer uses hemp in his system. I think he uses as a forage for birds and a pioneer plant to help loosen soils although it has been awhile since i read his book and i dont get to practice growing hemp since we have a mundane law making it illegal but i believe it could be a great resource for the permaculture crowd. i would love to feed my chickens hemp seed and let them forage for it on there own. Check out Sepp's uses.