Phillip Baldwin

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since Nov 20, 2014
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It could be, we have been burning it about a week, we have seen the last wet spot dry, but there could be moisture within the thermal mass. Is there an amount of hours that would satisfy you in terms of having been given enough time for it to be classified as a malfunction?
8 years ago
Stove is drafting great, however my thermal mass is not soaking up heat correctly.
1.) Its taking about 8 hrs to penerrate about 4in of cob and broken concrete mix.
2.) A thermometer read 148 degrees exit temperature yesterday,
My duct is 20 feet 10 from core to tee 3 feet accross and  and 10 feet going back toward the core.  I have an 8" system no smoke. 20 foot stack outside to compensate for my tall house. My mix was in most cases 2 clay and 1 sand to fill, and 1 to 1 everywhere else. Could it be too heavy with clay? For duct, i used sch 40 carbon for two feet, then 8 in stainless steel thin stove pipe, then spiral duct for the last 5 feet. Gave as much info as I can think, thanks.
8 years ago
Glen, on my top floor is a cathedral ceiling which my wife and I plan on closing off. The floor of the second story is rough lumber with gaps EVERYWHERE. We also have plans to sheet it soon, considering those two issues, and I only had a little smoke and bare pipes I think my chances are good!
8 years ago
Could I offset this with a bigger chimney? The smaller wood burner smoked so bad we never burned it again. I never attempted shutting the bigger potbelly down to try it, since it was our main source of heat. Our house is 28 feet tall basement floor to peak.
8 years ago
Okay, Yes it is in a basement. There are if you count the basement three floors. We have encountered this particular problem before attempting to burn a wood burner here before as seen sitting in the background. The chimney hole was originally cut for it. I assumed that problem would be resolved if I quit burning my larger potbelly upstairs. This particular day it was warm enough to let the potbelly go out. So you may be onto something. Or it could be a combination with what Thomas stated earlier. Since my manifold was wet along with my vermiculite. This particular day was about 60 Fahrenheit.
8 years ago
Some photos for you.
8 years ago
I did my test fire today. I piped it up and enclosed the manifold and fired it up. I have some anxiety cause I had some smoking. Is it because my insulation may be damp from the slip. Or the manifold was wet, my dimensions are 7x7x52 7x7x22 and 7x7x9 it'll be extended soon to 11" 11")
8 years ago
Do I need clay slip for Vermiculite Fire Proof loose fill Insulation on my stack?
9 years ago
Wanna tinker with some self builds. No prior experience , anyone know of any good books?
9 years ago
What is the most cost effective non combustible gasket in a barrel and a half system, to gasket between the two barrels. I am modifying a barrel clamp to fasten them together rim to rim. Some one on here suggested I use fiberglass, however I know it will disintigrate in flames, I wasn't sure if it would stand up to barrel temperatures . If So I have plenty of that.
9 years ago