I attached some videos to this post further down, which are really worth a watch, even if you don't buy the DVDs...
https://www.seedfilm.org/ (English version:
They sell a 4 DVD set with 40 short films about seed production of different species.
The films describe in detail how to produce seeds from seed: Seeding, growing, selecting best specimen, harvesting the next seed generation, seed storage and so on... They also have some detailed videos on how to prevent cross polination and how to hand pollinate flowers.
I went to a screening of some of the short films in our local library... I really liked the informational content of the films. Sometimes they have their lengths, especially the transition animations loose their appeal rather quickly, when you watch more than three films in a row

But that does not make the content less useful! The complete set is trilingual (French, English and German).
Some demo videos can be found on their Vimeo page (
Vimeo-user: semencesbuissonnieres).
The first is about the humble onion:
English version "Onion from seed to seed":
German version "Samenbau der Zwiebel":
French version "OIGNON de la graine à la graine":
The second one is about manual pollination of melon, cucumber and related plants:
English "Manual pollination of melon, cucumber, squash and watermelon":
German "Handbestäubung von Kürbisgewächsen":
French "Pollinisation manuelle des cucurbitacée":
I hope you enjoy the videos as much as I did! Cheers, Tobi