Tobias Kern

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since Mar 18, 2015
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Recent posts by Tobias Kern

Concerns those two videos:

I already posted this question under one of the corresponding videos, so I just append the original message (sorry for the double post):

Hey There Permies-Team,

sorry for bothering you, but I just wondered if there might be an error here... This seems to be the same presentation as Dr. Inghams  "Compost Tea Extracts - Practical Applications" (

Both threads seem to link to the same vimeo video (

Or did I make a mistake somehow?

Thanks and cheers, Tobi
Hi there Permies team,
I bought the RMH plans pack from Ernie and Erica and payed via paypal... But now I do have a new account (which is using my Paypal-address) and I can not access the content from my regular account. (The account I'm currently writing from is the NEW account)

Could you somehow move the bought stuff to my regular account and delete the new one, please?

Thanks in advance, cheers, Tobi
Hey there, wonderful permies people!

Since one of Pauls earlier Kickstarters, i do have two accounts (since I use a different Email-Address for Kickstarter)... Is there a way to consolidate those into one (without loosing stuff I bought)?

Thanks for your time, cheers, Tobi

EDIT: Ok, I logged in with my other account from a different browser, and someone already merged the accounts, but now all my stuff is gone...
Hey Paul, I agree with Ryan, it is a good idea to use a locally installed wallet... Exodus is also my wallet of choice, since it is easy to use...
- Download it from (used to be, but they recently changed it...)
- Install it on your PC
- Set a password (a goot one!) This protects your Wallet on your PC (If it does not ask you for a password on your first start, you can do all this from Settings/Backup)
- Write down your recovery phrase - Twice and by hand! Do not store this in a file on your PC!! This is how you can restore your wallet, and everything that was in it ;), should your PC crash or you forget your password... You can also use this prase to setup your wallet on a secondary PC... Again: Be careful: Everybody who gains access to these words will gain access to your wallet!!!

That's it you're done... just click on one of the cryptos and then on "receive", and it will show you the address people can send crypto to...

Hope that helps, cheers, Tobi
I attached some videos to this post further down, which are really worth a watch, even if you don't buy the DVDs... (English version:

They sell a 4 DVD set with 40 short films about seed production of different species.
The films describe in detail how to produce seeds from seed: Seeding, growing, selecting best specimen, harvesting the next seed generation, seed storage and so on... They also have some detailed videos on how to prevent cross polination and how to hand pollinate flowers.

I went to a screening of some of the short films in our local library... I really liked the informational content of the films. Sometimes they have their lengths, especially the transition animations loose their appeal rather quickly, when you watch more than three films in a row But that does not make the content less useful! The complete set is trilingual (French, English and German).

Some demo videos can be found on their Vimeo page (Vimeo-user: semencesbuissonnieres).

The first is about the humble onion:
English version "Onion from seed to seed":

German version "Samenbau der Zwiebel":

French version "OIGNON de la graine à la graine":

The second one is about manual pollination of melon, cucumber and related plants:
English "Manual pollination of melon, cucumber, squash and watermelon":

German "Handbestäubung von Kürbisgewächsen":

French "Pollinisation manuelle des cucurbitacée":

I hope you enjoy the videos as much as I did! Cheers, Tobi
6 years ago
Hi folks,

I stumbled upon this huge database for fish,

As of writing this they claim to cover 33300 Species, 318500 Common names, 57400 Pictures, 53000 References, 2250 Collaborators, 700000 Visits/Month.
Thought this might help some of the folks in the fish forum... Oh, and the stuff is CC-licensed a well... nice

Grüße aus Deutschland, Tobi
8 years ago
Hey folks, I've got a question for ya'll: What happens if I pour (very diluted) mint oil on my soil?

Background: I've got the flu, and after I used my inhaler (bout half a cup of water mixed with two drops of Japanese mint oil) I don't want to discard the good stuff. Can I just pour it in one of my planters? Or will it harm some of the goodies in the soil? I got some composting worms in there, some of the little, white, compost munching, cute thingies which I don't know the name of and some of the black flies, which I could do without but I can tolerate those... And I suppose tons of bacteria and other lifeforms, though I can't see those.

Has anybody any experiences with the pros and cons of mint oil as a soil amendment?

Thanks in advance, cheers, Tobi
8 years ago
Thakns for the effort Judith!

Since I non figured out how this embedding thing works, here is the rest of the videos:

Part 2: 2. Terra Preta toilet development

Part 3: Fermentation

Part 4: Composting

Part 5: Charcoal production in woodgas stoves

Part 6: Highly productive organic farming

Terra Preta Sanitation - 7. Pit latrines and sanitation in Ethiopia

Terra Preta Sanitation - 8. Problems with artificial fertilizer

Terra Preta Sanitation - 9. Conventional cooking

Terra Preta Sanitation - 10. Ecosan and urine diversion toilets

Terra Preta Sanitation - 11. Building an arbor loo

Terra Preta Sanitation - 12. Bamboo for greywater treatment

Terra Preta Sanitation - 13. Seminar lecture

Terra Preta Sanitation - 14. Who is who

Cheers, Tobi
9 years ago
Hey folks, just stumbled over this video series on youtube... I only watched a little bit of it, no time at the moment, but I thought some people here might be interested! (And also I might find it again, if I finally got time to watch it)

As far as I understand it it is using a terra preta approach to sanitize waste water and build soil fertility... seems pretty extensive and somewhat permaculturesque.

Here is the first episode:

I could not find a playlist with all the episodes so here is the channel:

Hope this helps someone, cheers, Tobi

PS: Since I am German I quite like the accent
9 years ago