Hey folks, I've got a question for ya'll: What happens if I pour (very diluted) mint oil on my soil?
Background: I've got the flu, and after I used my inhaler (bout half a cup of
water mixed with two drops of Japanese mint oil) I don't want to discard the good stuff. Can I just pour it in one of my planters? Or will it harm some of the goodies in the soil? I got some composting worms in there, some of the little, white,
compost munching, cute thingies which I don't know the name of and some of the black flies, which I could do without
but I can tolerate those... And I suppose tons of bacteria and other lifeforms, though I can't see those.
Has anybody any experiences with the pros and cons of mint oil as a soil amendment?
Thanks in advance, cheers, Tobi