I am in zone 9b in Central Florida and grow all manner of medicinal and edible herbs. Oregano, basil, (culinary, greek dwarf, various purples, have grown Thai) rosemary, temperate Tulsi basil, woad, lemongrass (becoming endemic) lemon balm, lemon verbena, patches of mint and spearmint, jamaican mint. These herbs I have in partial shade: patches of mugwort, astragalus, chamomile, skullcap, valerian, feverfew, yarrow, patchouli. I know I am forgetting a lot more...florida cranberry, red hibiscus, a massive patch of longevity spinach, large patch of comfrey, calendula, borage. I experiment with a lot of different herbs to see where they like to be, what makes them happy-and generally they like to be in the shade or partial shade of a large fruit tree (for instance a great deal of these are near a mulberry, pecan, barbados cherry bananas and moringa). I plan on expanding even further with the medicinals as well. Experiment and see what works for ya. Good luck.