Hello everyone,
I live in Brooksville, which is in central Florida ... and am a Florida native ... born in Tampa. I am a
native plant enthusiast and forest gardener, but am just now getting into growing perennials and
trees that will provide me with edible foliage. I have many plants on my property that I use for food like my citrus, mulberries, lemongrass, pineapple guava, loquat, elderberries, but want to add some things like chaya, molokhia, moringa, edible hibiscus, and Okinawa spinach … plants that are unfamiliar to me.
I have 2 ½ acres of forested property with half a dozen very old oak trees and a ¼ acre seasonal
pond. When I bought the place ten years ago it was mostly
lawn and the oaks and now it is loaded with native plants and shrubs and teaming with life and some food. I have beautyberry, mulberry, elderberry, blackberry, holly, violets, hickory, blackberries, etc.
I have been trying for several years to get lotus growing in my
pond, but the exotic snails decimate the seedlings. Maybe this season I’ll have the
energy to collect, purge, and eat the snails to get even with them.
I am also just starting to implement nitrogen fixers and chop & drop. I have always had nitrogen fixers like cassia and coral bean, but never planted them next to my edible trees and I have always recycled my yard waste, but usually just mulching with leaves and making brush piles for the wildlife.
I have a web site that has articles and photos of central Florida natives and wildlife -
http://www.sharonsflorida.com/. I reeeeeeeeeally love Florida's native plants and animals and try to educate as many people as I can about them.
I am here to learn and share and make my forest garden even better than it already is. I am also hoping to connect with other forest gardeners in my area of Florida … I hope there are few out there that will share their insight and do a plant swap with me.
Best wishes to everyone.