Joylynn Hardesty

master pollinator
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since Apr 27, 2015
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Joy discovered Permaculture in 2015. Thanks, Paul! And suddenly the vast expanse of grass began to shrink. Her hubby is appreciative, as mowing is not fun for her guy.
Joy is designing her permaculture paradise from the edges. Fumbling and stumbling all the way. She successfully grows weeds and a few fruits and veggies in the humid Mid-south.
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Due to winter mortality, I stubbornly state, zone 7a Tennessee
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Recent posts by Joylynn Hardesty

The drier broke a few years back. Never bothered to try and fix it. Now that I have to wear black pants for work, I miss it. I have some cat hair and bunches of lint on my pants. It's ridiculous. First, a vacuum is taken to the pants. Then the lint brush. Then I use a damp cloth on what may be lint, may be leftover detergent. Then I use the sticky side of packing tape to finish off the last of it. Yuck.
3 hours ago

Trace Oswald wrote:I would recommend people start with a really small area that is easy to keep on top of until it is fully established.  If not, it's very easy to end up with some trees surrounded by grass.

...or freekishly tall goldenrod and giant ragweed.
2 days ago
That is just too beautiful to be cobbled together with stuff you had hanging about the place. Excellent job!
4 days ago
Thanks for the tour Nancy! Did I miss the site for the poly tunnel? I look forward to seeing what you do with it in the coming years.
5 days ago
We have the kid on a trackfone. With the added fees it is $27 per 60 days. He has a 4G phone. Most of his internet is on WiFi. All minutes and data not used are rolled over to the next cycle.

He currently has 1400 minutes of talk saved up.
5 days ago
And the dashlights and headlights work too. He couldn't see the gauges well yesterday so there was some amount of concern.
5 days ago
Got the old alternator out and the new one in WITHIN ONE HOUR! WOOHOO! No three days of SAABing.

And the car is back to driving normally. The instrument panel is not as bright as it used to be. I am told this  not an issue of the dimming switch. A new mystery.

It was an adventure when we had the battery checked out. It was still good, but read there was about 2 months of life left on it. We chose to replace it now. Comedy ensued and three batteries later, it was installed with enough clearance from the quick connect for the hood to close. We had to go with an economy version.

The car works!
6 days ago
I know I have rabbits stealing from my garden. But I don't mind them so much. The garden is big enough that I don't notice the damage. Deer on the other hand... They just keep coming back.

Last summer I was thinking I would try starting tomatoes and peppers again next season. I've had success in the past, I just got away from doing that.

I am having trouble getting around to simply organizing my seeds.
1 week ago
Would it be a bad idea to build a bell out of brick, then cover the brick with pretty tiles? It would of course add a lot of expense. I happen to be a fan of brick and stonework.
1 week ago