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David Lehnherr

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since May 21, 2015
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I’ll stick with the statistics that show us what the longest-lived people on the planet eat (the “Blue Zones”). Primarily fruits and vegetables, with little or no meat. I feel great on a plant-based diet. Of course, industrial agriculture, especially industrial animal agriculture, is terrible for the planet (and the taxpayers). If I were going to eat meat it would be locally-sourced. Preferably something I had killed myself.
5 years ago
Eating less would help most people. But occasional fasting (12-36 hours without food isnt hard to do, I find) has some proven benefits. One benefit of fasting that people don’t often mention is the benefit of getting comfortable with the idea of being hungry. I’ve found out that being hungry isn’t the end of the world and that I survive even when I’m hungry. In a survival situation I know I won’t be letting hunger cause me to make a decision that is not in my best interest. I find the Blue Zones concept a great concept to keep in mind when it comes to nutrition.
5 years ago

Josephine Howland wrote:The one I got from Squatty Potty was only $25. Yes it reduces the amount of TP you use. Thing with making TP isn't just saving trees, there is a huge amount of water that is used to make paper, and the water pollution is awful.  I live in New Hampshire and when those paper mills were running the river was brown and the smell was like spoiled eggs. A lot of the people living up there are still suffering from lung illnesses from it.

Sounds like it would be good for people to try and reduce their use of TP, which that bidet-like device helps them do.
6 years ago
Wow. Can’t imagine a meat-only diet. Too much protein, especially animal protein, is causing many of our modern health epidemics (obesity, diabetes, etc.). Of course, industrial animal farming is terrible for the planet. Wild game or small-scale animal husbandry isn’t so bad, but they aren’t an option for most people. Simple carbs have no health benefit, but complex carbs (i.e., fruits, veggies, legumes, etc.), which also usually have associated protein, seem vital to good health.
7 years ago
Definitely good to do at least 30 minutes of sustained cardio every day, for maximum health andfitness. Running is great. Biking is also great. In addition, bikes are a great tool for basic transportation and hauling things.
7 years ago
Grew up in Montana, and now live in south-central Montana. Our weather is becoming even less predictable than it used to be. Our summers are definitely trending towards warmer and longer. One of the odd things is how we're seeing thunderstorms more frequently in summer afternoons now. Definitely makes planning outdoor activities more interesting.
8 years ago
Would not avoid beans. Great source of protein. Phytic acid has some beneficial effects, though it can bind minerals. The solution is to eat a variety of plants, since some will enhance mineral absorption and counteract the effect of phytic acid.
8 years ago