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Kieran Anthor

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since Sep 22, 2015
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Steve Sulli wrote:... We've been partnered for over 35 years, and I have realized for a long time that my vision of spending my days in a rural setting immersed in country living is just a pipe dream. My city friends are lovely people with the best intentions, but they are unable to relate to the things that truly interest me. Although I have a number of friends, I feel lonely and isolated. It may sound odd, but what I think I need is some meaningful conversation. I wonder if anyone else ever feels that way?

I feel the same way Steve. Being stuck currently in a rapidly urbanizing suburb (formerly desert farm and pastureland; Calamity Jane lived on a farm in this very neighborhood as a child--now we have dozens of banks and zero farms), there is little opportunity for meaningful conversation here either. And when you most need to feel sympatico with someone, the city feels extra bleak. I always give away more of my produce than I really ought to my friends in the hopes it will spark an interest for them in more agrarian matters. But although they love my heirloom tomatoes ("We didn't know a tomato could taste that good! Gosh, and they're so damn ugly...") the interest is eclipsed with the inevitable arrival of the next season of Downton Abbey, or what have you. Perhaps interest in cultivation is itself, ironically, a wild thing, uncultivable in others, sprouting only its own pleasing habitat.

Now here comes winter, which for me cues the season of intensest farm-envy.
9 years ago
Thanks everyone, for the warm welcome. This is a great forum and I look forward to meeting more people and learning more about permaculture.
9 years ago
Hi everybody, Kieran here. Longtime lurker, just registered, first post!

Currently residing south of Salt Lake City in a neighborhood which is currently being strip-malled (strip-mauled?). Permaculture student, obsessed with traditional crafting and lifestyles.

Here to learn and hopefully make friends.

Current projects: harvesting what I could grow on my half of a shady quarter acre (shouldn't take long), putting garden to bed, looking for hands-on learning experiences, searching for an ethically-sound (environmentally friendly) job. I'd love to get some real, in-depth, hands-on education in farming and taking care of livestock, traditional crafting, and natural building. Most of all I want to be productive while leaving the planet better off than it was when I was born, and taking care of my loved ones and my community.

Future plans: buy land, homestead, market garden. Maybe even with a group of like-minded individuals.
9 years ago