This is a topic that has been on my mind a lot.My husband and I are 56 and we have our own Landscaping business . We want to retire sooner than later.I also think that reducing the amount of money that we need to live is how to retire sooner. We have been developing our property with ageing in place as our goal.
Single story house , no stairs. Easier to reach gutters for cleaning { we harvest rain water}
Food garden closest to back deck , with some raised beds. I find less weeding and maintenance for raised beds .
Fruit trees pruned short /or espalier to reduce having to use a ladder when we age.
We chose a property close to our small village centre {walking distance}
Getting to know our land and what varieties of plants are most productive here , refining our bed rotation and seeding schedule to maximise success .Less screwing around when we are old , just keep efficientcies and what works for us.