Simon Fletcher

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since Nov 26, 2015
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I'm not surprised you had some fermentation happening. But I wonder if it tasted good?
Perhaps you could plant some little cucumbers in a pot inside and train them up and around a window. They do trail around and if you use scraps of cloth to hold up the stem it would help prevent choking it to death. If you feed it well and have a big enough pot, you might get enough for a ferment batch. I've been fermenting things directly in the jars I intend on storing them and bypassing the crocks phase. It's quite easy and I don't mind each jar being a little more different. It's a little quicker this way and takes up less space. I haven't done this with cucumbers but I have with other trailing plants. Who knows, maybe you could even stick a clove of garlic and sprinkle some dill and/or coriander in the pot as well and have a pickle garden? Good luck!
9 years ago
What about a podcast that interviews it's listeners? We all have something to offer and diversity is the pattern of nature isn't it? Even if it were a series of bios that might be interesting to hear. Especially if they were grouped into bioms or something.
9 years ago
If you're just looking to use up your brines and get a healthy boost, try using brines in place of about 25% of your vinegar (or more if you like) in a salad dressing. It may not emulsify as well (which might be fixed with some Dijon) but it is tasty. Just be sure to use less salt when seasoning at the end on account of the salt present in the brine.
9 years ago
Hello. I haven't tried doing this but I would look closely at the ingredients list of the store bought pickles. They often have a preservative in them which could undermine your fermentation bacteria. Also, I would suspect that the high acidity might be too much for the little guys to ferment in. If I were to try this, I would remove the pickles, rinse them and submerge them into a populated brine. But that's almost more trouble than using fresh cucumbers and you still might have the preservatives in there.
On another note, I've tried oak leaves to help keep the skins crisp and had some success.
Good luck
9 years ago
I've tested out the compass app on my iPhone and it doesn't show enough detail. It's pretty good for showing elevations but I'm don't think it shows enough decimals on seconds for good map making. Taking this into account I have drawn the conclusion that the phones capacity is just that. Not accurate enough! I don't think any app could improve upon that.
There are a lot of gps devices but they are indeed expensive. Some public libraries have geocaching kits that can be borrowed. I intend on trying that once I've finished building zone 0 aka the house.
I hope this helps
Good luck
9 years ago

byron murray wrote:living in guelph. just getting into the permie world of things.
i want to start learning more about guilds and forest gardening. still renting so i am hesistant to get in deep, but eager to learn.

I'm regularly going to Guelph. And am building a permaculture farm starting with zone 0 (building my house). I'm looking for people interested in helping out and to share in the permaculture way of learning (by doing). Perhaps you can be a part of our project. Look me up on Instagram. There I'm "PerservingEarth". You can see where I'm at and maybe we could connect. Others are welcome to look me up. It's a public account.
9 years ago
You can find me in west grey county.
9 years ago