Hello All!
I come to you with an urgent cry for help. Last week, I transplanted my three week old tomato seedlings into larger pots. I fertilized them with a half strength fertilizer, and now some of them are falling ill!
I have been starting tomatoes for a few years now, and I am stumped. I have no idea what went wrong.
Here is some info about how they are being grown.
Soil substrate: Coir seed starting mix (Burpee Brand mixed with coir from a compressed block)
Temperature: 70-75'
Location: East Facing Window (Under florescent bulbs)
When I transplanted them last week, that was the last time they were watered. They are usually only watered once a week. It seems random the ones that are affected. I am not seeing a correlation between varieties, old or new cups, or which lights they are under. Most have a dry soil surface but some have slight moisture (both dry and moist ones are affected). There is no evidence of spider mites or fungus gnats.
The intense purple would indicate a phosphorus deficiency and the curled leaves would indicate a temperature problem. Neither of these issues seem to be a good answer though (because they were fertalized and have consistent temperatures). On some of the seemingly healthy plants the leaves fall off with a slight touch.
This is so sad, I hate to see my plants suffering! If I am doing something wrong, how do I fix it!
I appreciate all of the advice I can get!
-Sacha Bays
---I have attached pictures---