awe, poor little guys.
Is it possible they are getting a chill from being too close to a window at night?
Could the soil be a bit dry? I
water mine on demand whenever the soil looks or feels dry.
I fertilized them with a half strength fertilizer, and now some of them are falling ill!
I've never used any sort of fertiliser on tomato seedlings before so I can't help you there. I don't want my tomatoes to grow too fast before they are planted out otherwise, they will get
root bound and I will have to repot them before it's warm
enough to plant them out. A good soil will have plenty of nutrients for the few weeks that the tomatoes are indoors. I also noticed (as my grandfather was a huge fan of 'better living through chemistry') that fertilised seedlings (organic or otherwise) suffer much more shock when they get planted out than ones that were made to live on their wits. As they are, my seedlings grow pretty fast anyway. Too fast this year as spring is almost 6 weeks late.
When I plant the tomatoes out, I give their hole a generous helping of manure and they take off.
I'm also wondering about the seed. Are they all from the same source? Is this a source you trust? I once got some tomato seeds from an exchange. It turns out they weren't fermented prior to drying and they had a disease which spread to my entire tomato crop. I had to pull up the entire year's worth of tomatoes. It was similar to yours symptoms, only a little less purple.