Ronald Sahn

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since Jan 17, 2018
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Recent posts by Ronald Sahn

I  would like to have some ideas and feedback on this idea, I would surely appreciate it, So I watched everything I could about rocket mass heats bought the videos and the book by Erica, and I think it is a great idea. But do to my disabilities bad knees and also neck from a rollover accident I had to move into a single level town house, unfortunately there's no wood burning allowed here, 15 years ago went through a full renewal energy school basic and advanced classes in pv then solar was about $10 dollars a watt for panels, took solar hot water and air heating also wind and water power.
So I'm always thinking about how I can incorporate this into my living space. How can I combine solar hot water or hot air to store the heat that it produces all day, using the idea s of a rocket mass heater to store the heat in a mass all day to be released at night. I've put this out there a couple times with no response about a Hybrid Rocket Mass Heater and solar combined by running hot air or hot water throughout the mass all day long. And also im thinking about building a thermal mass wall in my existing wall with hot water tubes running through it from a solar hot water panel or using a evacuated tube collector for a smaller footprint on the roof, if we are feeding 140 degree plus heat into a thermal mass all day long with a solar pump this would be a automatic heating system .
If a person was going to build a earthship type design with a mortgage and also have to deal with regulations and inspections, tire walls are  almost impossible in a lot of areas, but what about more of a walk out basement design using more conventional materials single story, with a attached green house/long wall facing south/
For the shell of the house and then incorporate the natural building aspects more on the finishing doing more of a hybrid approach still using the principles of a earthship, I'm pretty sure earthship biotecture
Has plans for building without tires.
2 years ago
A cool room just like a root cellar wood have ventilation to prevent mold ect. vent at the ceiling and one at the floor. Any hot air from your freezer would go up and out of your cool room, so your heat from your freezer will just go out the vent. Good size dc freezer doesn't take a lot of solar to power it.
2 years ago
Thanks, I'll check it out,
7 years ago
Shippable core, I'm just watching this for the first time,  and this is probably been thought of before but since the refractory insulation board seems to be hard to find, that if there was a kit was available with pre-cut boards for a firebox and a riser ,that could just be assembled.  Then could be shipped in a smaller lighter box. Whoever ordered it could add there own firebrick  ,brick and all the other parts.
7 years ago
Thanks, the videos are great /much more better /than the first 4, I rented the 1st video from ytube I thought that was a great idea.
I study from Steve Harris and Jack for quite a while now.
I could watch the videos on my phone, but couldn't cast or send them to my smart tv, like I can for ytube.  I might have to pay more and get the tiny download .
I still haven't gotten any emails from you,at juno,  I'll add my Gmail account to my profile
Any ideas to cast the videos to a smart tv ?
Nope nothing was sent to inbox or junk,
I just bought the 50 dollar under ground house book was able to download it,  but no confirmation email was sent.
No email was sent

Looks like the link you sent me is working

Thanks no problem,  I already have the first set of DVDs so don't worry about sending them out, just what I ordered,  my address is still the same.

Thank you