Seems people are concerned about resale value and/or septic; Lets talk resale value. Build your home structurally sound and follow as many of the specs that you can find in highly regulated area. Document, document, and document. These drawings, photos and documents are invaluable even if you have to cut a hole in the wall, but when you sell, they are GOLDEN. Especially for non traditional building methods, if you show the buyer photos of a well made wall, you are building trust into that sale. All the info you give the buyer, they may not appreciate at the time, but the sheer volume will impress them at a gut level and they will be more apt to buy your non traditional house instead of the one they really know nothing about. Next, let's talk septic. Sure, you definately want a good septic system, properly licenced. However, don't depend on them to know everything. Research it youself. Some people who can't afford a septic system can call the "honey wagon" to come take their "trash" away - that is your septic until such a time as you decide to build one for yourself. Its Legal and if you have it set up then they should not bother you.