Kim Swegar

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since Apr 21, 2022
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Recent posts by Kim Swegar

Please show the guts and any outdoor access doors! I need to implement something like this for winter!

Please please!
4 months ago
Hi Ben, thanks for your feedback. Im in the workds with Uncle mud to add more details to these plans and more. Ill update you once they are in. Ill be sure to include your suggestions.

Has this been completed? I’m very interested but don’t have any extra money to spend on incomplete plans.
5 months ago
I live in a very very hot and dry area during summer - 110 degrees or more daily for weeks but it does cool during nights into 50s-60s most of those nights. My solution has been to stop work by noon and live in my pool (which is under a shade tree). I wear my usual clothes in the pool and when I get out I let my cool wet clothing keep cooling me for hours longer. Often I can get a few more hours of work done in the evening when the breeze comes up.

Also consider the venturi effect as an option for cooling near buildings. I like many of the other solutions but as I HATE humid weather, I have nothing to add for those in that type of climate.
8 months ago
K Post 116

I used the last PTJ day to setup the sauna rocket heater. We brought everything we needed up the the project, got the brick platform laid out, the wall shielding up, started to level out the core... and broke a brick. So I went back down to basecamp to make a replacement.

With that fixed, we filled up around the core with sand, set the riser on top, sealed the feed with cob, and popped the barrel over top.

Making the hole for the chimney included climbing onto the roof and using the circular saw to plunge cut down through the shingles. Then we found out we didn't have enough chimney pipe and had to make another trip to grab more pipe.

Once everything was in place we started the first ever rocket heated sauna, worked perfectly. Of course the structure still needs benches, to reroute the chimney under the long bench, probably some vents, a bunch of trim work, and vestibule improvements. But none of that is very difficult, optimistically a week of work.

Kyle, do you have an update on the sauna? I’d love to see the finished project!
How did the sauna turn out? Did the rocket heater work? I’d love to have an update with details!
1 year ago
Sawdust is my choice. Its a great weed suppressor and kind on my feet.
1 year ago
My pebble RMH plans did not arrive as promised. See screen shot.
This is a super fun idea and I will enjoy following along! I like the top cap being 10% or less for any one food. And picking 20 minimum from the list, with any additional foods adding to the total after reaching a million calories from the listed foods.
2 years ago