connor burke

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since Dec 18, 2017
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Recent posts by connor burke

heyo its been a while since I've left a reply here, im glad that the pit is so green! everywhere else seems to be struggling due to a lack of shade. composting is great for getting small areas with trees to develop enough to be independent and such areas could be made throughout the property so that when the smaller plants decompose the nutrients and water would be absorbed by those trees. a fence where the animals can eat their fill long before entering the garden might work by tricking them into thinking there is nothing tasty inside while all the good stuff is on the outside. I hope everyone is doing well.
4 months ago
I'm 23 going on 24 not exactly a teen anymore but ey I think I followed this when I was in my second year of high school
4 months ago
I'd appreciate some links I recently moved up to Alaska but quit my job because the commute was a bit dangerous by bicycle and it was bugging me that I wasn't working in permaculture.
2 years ago
I just moved over to ketchikan Alaska  It might be a good idea to buy one of Paul Wheaton's shippable chores
2 years ago