faith austin

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since Mar 22, 2018
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Recent posts by faith austin

good topic, great discussion. i often refer to our commune as a non-intentional community because i wouldn't want to be in a community that expects me to be any one way when i want to be different every day and push myself to do different things so i think there are a lot of introverted types homesteading who would relate more to your motley crew as that diversity is really what excites a person like me who is very multi-faceted.

On the subject of tribe: i think there is a primal need to commute energies together in such a way that promotes the harmony of the earth. I am in fact in that regard very much looking to collaborate with like-minded people in the sense that i value a beautiful fruit tree and all the birds and bees around it more than i do a bmw or fancy things. And some people regardless of practice or religion or beliefs just don't believe in magic, see this world as hell on earth and dont care to even try to protect it or love it. so yes, id like to find a think group that can outnumber these people, help validate and materialize these ideas and put their energy where their mouth is.

That last part is key because a lot of people like to talk about organic farming and sustainability but when it comes down to it are not willing to give up their worldly luxuries.
11 months ago
Thanks everyone for being brave to share your fears and failures, regrets and grief. I think its safe to say we all have every categorize checked there.
i have enjoyed hearing some of the same thoughts that i have had at times when you sew seeds and compost but its still up to nature which seeds bloom.
and yes to be honest many of the seeds i planted to nourish me and my community composted apart of me for better and for worse.

i feel so privileged everyday but a longing to connect more....
in 2017 i recruited my first caretaker, snatched her up from some pot farms in humboldt where despite being profitable is ok ill just say it its a misogynistic environment to down play it even really. Young and eager to start her own permie haven she had been WWOOFing since she was a teenager and quickly had our farm filled with helpers and oh yeah it got real messy at times and I wasnt sure how well community would turn out as you all know most of them take what is given freely and move along. This girl liked to travel a lot and often left her lofty dreams in my hands as she rode off into the sunset with her 2 dogs. young people right...well long story short she has a history of heroin abuse and came across some certainly laced with fentanyl and departed in 2021.

It has been really hard to express how all along us teaching and sharing with others really got under my skin. Ive lost a lot of friends to drugs and suicide. But this person was my sister on this earth and she shared herself so free and was so shinning. Its what makes it such a tragic thing she was a real artist anarchist and defense of ecology a tree stander and all of the best things and many of the worst. 2023 Now im left tilling the dirt and i feel her ghost here playing her guitar and howling at the moon.
1 year ago
Long-Term Work Exchange Opportunity Available for Individual or Couple
Rustic Off-Grid Living Accommodation (cabin + food staples) exchange for
Farmsteading Assistance
Renovation building new (we have a sawmill learning timber frame)
Campground Maintenance
Art Installations & economic opportunities for cottage industry or Artistic Activities such as Massage Therapy, Yoga & Meditation, ect.
No hospital access or pharmacy as we get snowed in deep off-grid because of the very remote terrain you will need to be independent, with a vehicle 2wd fine, be eager minded and ready to follow my instruction at every turn.

We have 100+ acres in Southern Trinity Historic land with a healing mineral spring said to be on of the 3 highest mineral content in the US. A private campground, a general store bordering a public campground, a wilderness area and surrounded by national forest in every direction. We are at the headwaters of a spring and snow fed stream, with pristine bio-diversity 4-5 different types of bats, hundreds of mushrooms, north american truffles and flying squirrels that eat them, pillated woodpeckers, goshawk, bobcat, lynx and mountain lions, bears the gambit. We can't dictate what others do with their land but here we are open to all walks of life and we even fly a rainbow flag in front of our general store and are committed to building using innovation and permaculture that will extend beyond our years here. Zone 8 we are in the shadow of the mountain reaching 6k ft above us at 3k. Would be into making some cold frame boxes for year round growing or a micro-green garden or a mushroom farm! Bring your dreams to life here with respect of our vision to restore the land back in harmony with our habitation, host events and connections to nature for people seeking healing in many forms. Get the mineral baths going....and the rest will be history....thats funny because there is already so much history here. Before it was homestead in 1886 it was a sacred healing place for the native populations reaching beyond California borders even. They have called it Trinity's best kept secret. The mountain calls for next generation of stewards, be careful what you wish for...this is real life.

Homestead, Hobby farm, Community garden, Garden, Vegetables, Permaculture, Community, Vegan friendly

Learning opportunities:
Arts & crafts
Vegetable and fruit preservation
Food justice / sovereignty
Wild foraging
Vegetable farming
Mechanics / tools / technology
Renewable energy production
Yoga & meditation
Green Building

Methods used:
Holistic management
Regenerative agriculture
Mentoring opportunities

Reply with:
details about your current living status
why you are interested & what you can offer
reply with pictures and i will respond with more as well

*interested parties can PM me with pictures and information on why you think this would be a good fit for you!
1 year ago
Most Recently they also took away the Traveler Directory which only leaves the option for them to contact us which is not helpful because now i get random requests from people and I cannot even see their profile or anything about them, such as reviews, ect.

I am really disappointed in this because prior to that i contacted 30+ people through the year only to have my time wastes with zero actual visitors, people just ghost you. I even had made arrangements to pay for airfare for someone.

I am looking into trying workaway although its not the spirit of WWOOF that has altered my experiences- they do have an ambassador program and other incentives to get dedicated people. Nothing against those looking for summer camp but its a waste of opportunity for people that really are committed to being land stewards.

Im finishing 8 winters in the wilderness snowed in and 6 years as a WWOOF farm and I have had baby wwoofers born on my land but still none that dont have traveling feet....still looking for stewards to join our community. Its all been worth it for the best of it but i could of never imagined how messy building a commune would be. Hippies without self-respect is just another word for mental-illness and that is unfortunately the people most attracted to living off-grid are looking for some kind of free ride when in fact it is everything but...its legit survival out here in the wilderness!
1 year ago
Do you guys have a post looking for land share / work trade?
We have interesting land opportunity in mushroom climate.

OP have you found land yet? My neighbors are selling a gem sitting at about 3'300 southern Trinity (Shasta county)
3 years ago
Being vulnerable and open is so important, if your not going to open your mind, heart and soul then stay in your basement alone!

It amazes me how some people come all the way out to our land just to stay in their own headspace, we are conditioned to alienate ourselves and each other- COMMUNITY is healing, love and sharing!

5 years ago
Yep! So I forgot I had been using the mobile app living off grid that is my computer lol
5 years ago
We are reclaiming a historic farmstead and campground in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest in Northern California. We started an organic farm last season and are looking to grow to bring food to local farmers markets, learn to live self-sufficient, eco-friendly and learn to give back to the land enabling it to provide a back to basics lifestyle for our newly forming community. We are a WWOOF host farm, we have a public and private campground as well as a general store.

Deep off-grid
No cell service
No trash service
Trees and wilderness surrounding our 100+ acres for 20 miles in every direction.

Pm or email me if this strikes your interest. We are 20's-40's mostly plant based but more into sustainable living than rigid ethics. We consider ourselves aware consumers with a wealth of opportunities to become a self sufficient eco-village. We love cannabis but we do not grow it in any capacity. LEAVE NO TRACE!

In Search of nomadic type people who want to create their own lifestyle not just fit into one. Rugged, perseverance & gumption necessary. Camping with amenities. Up to 20foot vehicles ok.
You provide everything you need to live self-sufficient in the woods- we offer land to farm & community as well as community facilities outdoor kitchen & showers. You provide a focus and determination to help us tear down old infrastructure and build new. We have a saw Mill and are looking to learn timber frame building and endless possibilities for the right people, willing to grow with us. Willing to consider any age as long as you can keep us with us, have little baggage and a clear view of our vision.

5 years ago
Looks great! My feedback while having the various categories to organize the individual posts is great but if I wanted to see say all of the posts in community when I click community it just shows the other categories. So really it can be both. On CR when you click community it shows all the posts under the various categories in community and then if you want to browse one specific category you have that option. Sometimes the specific category isn't as important as the date posted if you are looking for current posts or have a time sensitive need.

Also just a note that WWOOFing is very different than a work trade where that a work trade is defined time for pay or boarding where as a WWOOF host we offer food and boarding as a means for people to obtain experiences not a means for labor. It's more of a cultural exchange and very different than a work trade.
5 years ago
Sorry to hear about that bad apple, but im glad you moving on and hope you find someone kind and worthy- gl
6 years ago