Dave Wangbichler

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since Sep 06, 2018
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Although a Rueben is quite good an unique I find them salty if eaten out. I will take a Rory. It's a hamburger with just peanut butter and bacon.
2 years ago
I planted my potatoes in old wood mulch. Mostly course stuff for wood pellet making. Best crop ever. And real easy to harvest. Never put them in soil again. I don't remember fertilizer being added but maybe.
On children.... They have found that the low fat diet forced to boys for school athletics and heavy workouts caused them to be , let's say, less smart on their classwork.
3 years ago
In  the Wheaton design with the open sides it seems the drying cabinet would cool the air too quick slowing the evaporation process. Was this changed in a later design? Closing the front of the cabinet under the glass would be a nominal cost but it seems that boxing in the sides would be best.
6 years ago
Take some road trips. For 3 years on our vacations we checked out Oregon, Washington, Idaho Panhandle, and Western Montana.
Deciding factors were:
1 hour distance to a good airport.
Hospital access.
Supplies...Food, Lumber, Welding, etc.
Free water...sky or creek
Recreation like fishing.
Weather. Drastic changes happen in a few miles. Roads that get little winter sun can be a nightmare. Bugs I lump with weather since they follow mucky soils.
Government intrusions. Some areas have little to no building permits.
Like minded people. Talk with the natives.

Make your list of wants and hit the road with open eyes.
When the market crashes (it will) get ready to pounce. Stuff doesn't sell well here like in the cities and prices can really plummet.

Good luck.

6 years ago