Dave Leaves

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since Nov 16, 2018
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Recent posts by Dave Leaves

Hello All,

My partner, Great Pyrenees and I are looking for land with a legal and livable structure within an hour of Asheville. I understand "livable" is subjective. We're not interested in intentional communities, land shares, etc. We look at all of the mainstream MLS listings often, but we'd rather buy direct from a homeowner. We have a down payment, steady income and good credit. Owner financing is ideal, but not a necessity. Thank you in advance.
3 years ago
Thanks for the heads up on the cheap propane. I've been doing extensive research on this and I'm putting together a how to document for myself and clients. It will likely go through several iterations before I settle on anything specific, but I'll post the cliff notes here once I go through the entire process. I'll be fall seeding and adding a cover crop/ companion planting to help with seed dispersal when seeding and to fill the void where slow sprouting natives leave open space that could otherwise harbor weeds. I still plan to use boiling water or potentially an organic herbicide for persistent invasives prior to planting. Monthly maintenance will also be key. I guess I should take photos of this entire process. Thanks again.
3 years ago
Hello All,
I own a landscape business. We practice organic/natural landscaping whenever possible, but of course all nursery plants aren't free of synthetic chemicals. We do what we can. That said, I'm looking for techniques to kill invasives and replace them with natives and pollinators.

Aside from manually removing invasives, mowing, solarizing and monthly maintenance to remove persistent invasives, I'm hoping to utilize a non-selective organic herbicide to spot spray. I will need to amend soil as well, so, I may consider tilling after invasive removal. This will likely bring additional seeds to the surface that will germinate, so ill need to re-solarize or spray these plants.

The following is my tentative plan. I'm sure this will change on each site and as I learn. I'm open to suggestions. Thank you in advance.

Side Note: USDA Hardiness Zone 6a-7b

Identify natives that I'll keep and flag them.

Manually remove non-native/ invasive plants. For example hostas and english ivy. I know these are persistent and I will have to go through them several times to kill them.

Brush cut/ scalp areas after invasives have been removed/ dug.

(potentially spray at this point with an organic non-selective herbicide since plants are vulnerable after scalping.) Anyone heard of EcoMight? Its new to me, and looks like good marketing without third party results, but who knows, it might be worth checking out. If anyone has experience with this product, I'd love to hear about it.

4. Solarize the areas that are to be replanted with natives. (I'm thinking silage tarps/film since the leach minimal petrochemicals.)

5. Remove solarization tarps, let persistent plants come back. Spray them with a non-selective organic herbicide and solarize again. (Potentially till at this time)

6. Remove tarps, amend/ work topsoil and plant with native seed mixes. (spring and/or fall planting)

7.Maintain plantings to remove weeds until natives are established. Then, continue with a monthly maintenance schedule to remove non-natives.

***8. Actual beds will be treated differently than large scale over-seeding. Landscape/planting beds will be mulched with cardboard, inoculated with endemic fungi and mulched with hardwood or pine to mitigate weeds while native plants are becoming established.

Does anyone have experience with any of this large scale native seed planting?

Does anyone have experience with commercial non-selective organic herbicides? If so, any recommendations?

Any advice is appreciated.
3 years ago

My fiance, Great Pyrenees and I are currently residing in SW CO. We're interested in learning more about your location. I'm not super familiar with this platform, so get back to me however it makes sense. I'm happy to have a phone conversation if it's easiest.
4 years ago
This sounds interesting. Contact me via purplemoosage with your email and or whatsapp if you're still interested in finding a land mate.
6 years ago
Hello All,
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Domegaia and aircrete building techniques. I'm wondering about longterm structural integrity and waterproofing. Domegaia seems to be fairly new so I'm curious to know if anyone has any insight into this construction technique.
6 years ago
Thank you for clarifying. I was confused by your first post. All good information. Good luck with your move.
Good move. I lived in OR for 8 years. Summers are the nicest anywhere I've lived. I'm looking at a property about 1.5 hrs south of you. It has spring water and a river and has some elevation, but is closer to the beach than you are located. It seems there is and has been a permiegration happening in CR. I'm excited to make the seasonal move myself. We have to sell our farm here in the states and find a place for our LGD while we're in CR. How much are you asking for your hectare?
Thank you for the insight and details. It sounds like you found a great spot! Having others interested in the same lifestyle will definitely be helpful. When do you plan to relocate?  What is the closest town?