Tyler Weiss

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since Jun 11, 2019
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Recent posts by Tyler Weiss

Really having trouble tracking this wonderful fedge plant down.. Does anyone happen to have it? Trying to source cuttings, starts, or seeds. Offering similar in trade or compensation.
I know they are still around here, but would like to get my own to protect before they are eradicated from our country.
Thanks for taking a look.
2 years ago

Bryant RedHawk wrote:Celtis occidentalis is a member of the Elm family and is now part of the Cannabaceae genus so if you want to do something really unique you could graft some hops to your hackberry trees.


I think what you mean to say is that Genus Celtis has been moved into the Cannabaceae(Hemp) family from the Ulmaceae(Elm) family, which it was formerly considered a member of.
It'd be interesting to see some successful grafts like this.
5 years ago