Thank you all for your replies. I’m definitely thinking sea berries. As well as the following:
Red, black and golden currants
Lingonberries (though I don’t know how productive these are)
Guomi berries
Hardy kiwi
Edible wintergreen
Wine grapes
I thought about then rejected autumn olive. Even though they are highly productive, they are not in Idaho and are invasive.
For trees I’m thinking a mix of apples, cherries, plums, pears, figs, hazelnuts, walnut and heartnut.
Matt was right about sea berries. I found a nursery that sells a bundle of 100 3-6 inch seedlings for $200
Also thinking hops and possibly some veggies for this year as most of the berry and tree plantings won’t bear fruit for awhile and I still have to pay the bills😊
Thank you, Lorne for the website!
As always, your input is gratefully received.