John Moriarty

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since May 07, 2020
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Thanks again, another question if I may:

Is there a general size constraint on WOFATIs? Looks like the ones in existence are between a cabin and small house.

I watched some of Mike Oehler's DVDs forever ago and iirc his designs could be extended to cover large square footages (though not usually multiple floors?), not sure if that translates to WOFATIs with the berm.
6 months ago
Thanks very much! Does anyone know what kind of work would be necessary in getting a design drawn up and how to work with/around building codes?

For example, if I sent an architect those three links, is it the sort of thing where they could work work out a design that's up to VA code without too much trouble? Or would it be the wild west and require lots of back and forth with the state?

Pardon my ignorance if these are obvious questions, just doing my best to spread earth integrated housing =)
6 months ago
If someone was planning on building a ~2500 square foot house in rural Virginia and was interested in the potential cost savings of earth integrated housing, what links/sources would you give them? Or who would you point them towards for consultation/questions?

Thanks for any help!
6 months ago
Looking forward to the finished version!
3 years ago
Thanks very much! Just went ahead and picked up the Oehler books + DVD set. Looking forward to diving in =)
4 years ago
Looks like this scubbly link is now broken, just FYI
4 years ago