Robin Rockwell

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since Jul 22, 2020
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In mexico, they just plant a road trees and connect wire to them. I like that idea better.
8 months ago

Casie Becker wrote:I have some lace weight linen thread that might be appropriate.  Raven (one of our moderators) has a lot of posts about growing linen.  You missed the kickstarter for her book that covers every step from growing the flax to weaving the cloth, but I believe it will soon be available through other means.

2 years ago
I recently put my bell pepper seeds In a wet paper towel folded over and I put it in a freezer bag and keep it in the sun during the day and in no time they start  sprouting.  After that, I put them in an egg carton with soil to grow so tall and then transplant them in a pot.
2 years ago