Currently we have an unsafe fire place (it can't be fixed with out a complete demolition) and a heat pump that does NOTHING for those below freezing days.
We are planning to put in a wood burner, of some kind, in November. We both love the Liberator, but I really need some questions answered before I pull the trigger. Here is my current thought process.
Pros of Liberator:
We can use our existing chimney and run a sleeve up it because the exhaust is below combustion Temps.
More efficient so less wood needed.
Able to switch between wood and pellets
Smaller foot print.
Less pollution.
Pros of Wood Stove
Able to use bigger logs
Longer burn time on wood (so I don't have to get up every couple of hours)
Beautiful glass doors so you can enjoy the view
Larger surface area for cooking
What it boils down to, and what is really sticking in my craw, is "why should I pay double for the Liberator? " yes, yes, I know about the environmental impact. I aree with that, it's a big positive. I just need MORE! How long is it going to take to save $1,500 on wood to make up the differece in cost and will the stove need to e replaced before i make Up the differece?
HELP PLEASE! I am only getting one side on this. I need more data points!