Rocket Mass Heater Manual
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Smith gary

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since Oct 04, 2020
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Recent posts by Smith gary

Nice project mate. Looks like you have good amount of knowledge on table saw fences. But i have don't much. So i need your small suggestion from you. I m going to buy one table saw fence but i am confused to purchase which one.
I haven't started a new thread because i think you might me perfect to tell. I search on google and come to this article:-
Article has quiet helpful but i want to know ground reality as which one is best.
Is Shop fox is good brand to purchase from?

Thank you for your help
4 years ago

Tristan Vitali wrote:
I'd think it's best to go with as dense and homogenous of a material as you can - straight (finer but gritty) sand and good clay, a little heavy on the sand - for at least an inch or two right around the heat source as it will conduct the heat a bit better and provide a better seal (less chance of thermal cracking). I'm a complete newbie to the hands-on though, so I might be wrong on some things  I know limestone does break down at a somewhat attainable temp but pretty sure that's not too much of a threat outside the burn tunnel and heat riserr]Will the chipped lime stone work for the inner cob?


Too good
4 years ago