Dan Dronberger wrote:Will the chipped lime stone work for the inner cob?
Tristan Vitali wrote:
Dan Dronberger wrote:Will the chipped lime stone work for the inner cob?
I'd think it's best to go with as dense and homogenous of a material as you can - straight (finer but gritty) sand and good clay, a little heavy on the sand - for at least an inch or two right around the heat source as it will conduct the heat a bit better and provide a better seal (less chance of thermal cracking). I'm a complete newbie to the hands-on though, so I might be wrong on some things I know limestone does break down at a somewhat attainable temp but pretty sure that's not too much of a threat outside the burn tunnel and heat riser.
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Dan Dronberger wrote:
question. Would a concave top (like a wok) work?
Would it compromise the gas flow?
It will double as a wok for cooking. I know it would take some time hammering it out and polishing it enough to cook on.
Don't want to spend the time and it be a waist.
Dan Dronberger wrote:I'm adding this wedge to the back of the burn tunnel.
after testing it on the test rmh I think it will make a difference on the flow. It should stop the turbulence at the back.
David D. Nelson
David Nelson wrote:
Dan Dronberger wrote:I'm adding this wedge to the back of the burn tunnel.
after testing it on the test rmh I think it will make a difference on the flow. It should stop the turbulence at the back.
Don't you want the turbulence to help with a more complete burn?
Kyle Cunningham wrote:Is some of the metal you're using galvanized? If so as a heads up for safety, using galvanized metal in and around the combustion and higher heat areas isn't a safe or good idea. The zink plating will burn off and is poisonous if inhaled. Usually not deadly, but no fun for about a week. If you have asthma or someone with asthma or other respiratory issues it can be deadly.
For all your Montana Masonry Heater parts (also known as) Rocket Mass heater parts.
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