Good news is there are a bunch of us in Central Florida that like to grow everything. In the area you're looking you have The Reid Farm in Deland, Flying Fox Fruits in Sanford, and tons of other nurseries specializing in edibles. My advice is just start putting stuff in the ground, if it thrives leave it if not move it somewhere else. I'm lucky to have picked up 5 acres a while back and I have space to do a lot of experimentation but nothing happens until you start planting. Start putting things in pots now before you move. Everything you buy from the store, plant the seeds. Get cuttings from many things grow from cuttings. Hit the latin markets and buy things you've never considered eating and figure out how to propogate it. Push the envelope and try growing things that shouldn't grow here. We are on the edge of being tropical and can grow some amazing things very quickly. Once you start producing your own food it becomes addicting. Next thing you know you're buying chickens, ducks and goats...