Nick Patterson

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since Jan 13, 2021
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Recent posts by Nick Patterson

Hello - I just wanted to thank you all again. Flowers have been the easiest to do. I am still working out what will grow in zone 5. Greek mtn Tea and Miyoga are doing well, along with shisandra. Still collecting types of alliums. I have a nice outdoor classroom next to the playground that I have duty. So in the next 8 weeks i might get a little gardening done, before summer break. I'm writing to ask if anyone know where to get Japanese quince plants or seed? In particular RASA. I think a small plant like that would do well and make nice pies.also looking for toona, chinquapin, bladdernut plants. Yang ru and skirret. Come to find out Maine is more like Scandinavia in terms of USDA zone. So far so good. As far as art lessons, I have looked at modern ikebana, which doesn't have to have any plants at all! Sometimes plants can be picked for close up pencil studies. I have pruned the old apple trees for that. And showed proper pruning at the same time. Thanks again!
1 year ago
big leaf aster and fischers ragwort - problem solved
3 years ago
I want to say thank you to everybody who donated seeds and plants. I feel like we have made decent progress in both of my schools, as far as getting plants out there. I am working well on reviving the garden program at one school, and expanding the grade 3-4 outdoor classroom at another school. I am trying to think of the next step. I think working with bouquets, and making simple dishes will be achievable goals. If anybody has any recipes or project ideas to share I am all ears. Thanks again and happy new year!
3 years ago
Thank you! We will plant those white turtlehead seeds as soon as we get them. We would love plants for tea, color, pollinators, etc.
Thank you Marisa!
3 years ago
It would absolutely be a great time to ship plants- thank you! When should I expect them to arrive?
3 years ago
Hello - My name is Nick Patterson and I work at a public elementary school in Maine. I was wondering if anybody ever donates plants? We are fortunate to have both an art and a garden program. The students raise food that they also harvest and prepare for daily meals. We did our first empty bowl supper last year, where we made and sold bowls to raise funds for the local food pantry. I am the art teacher, and I am very much into sensory gardens. So I like gardens for color, and smells and tastes. I have always run on a zero budget. I have done shiitake logs with middle school students, and we did a wonderful seaweed project with younger grades - harvesting, eating, and printmaking. We also created outdoor classrooms in the woods by the stream.

The plants I am requesting are Kousa, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium grandiflorum, sweetie star stevia, miyoga, sweet cicely, swamp saxifrage, red oca, potato onion, Babington leek, elephant garlic, damiana, red lake currant, orris, contorted mulberry, fig, primula vulgaris, zebra grass, hardy pecan, patchouli, white turtlehead, saffron, salad burnet, dwarf ginseng.

I have specific things that I would like to request, but I am looking for any suggestions you might have as well, that you think would work in this type of program. If you can send seed or plants, the below address is fine. I appreciate any assistance. Thank you.


Nick Patterson
606 Springy Pond Road
Otis, Maine 04605
3 years ago
Later in the spring - any chance of a Boking 14 school donation? I am a pk-8 art teacher, and last year we raised funds for the food pantry with an empty bowl supper. I have done projects with seaweed, mushrooms, outdoor classrooms as well. Would like to keep on doing more with the students.

Nick Patterson
606 Springy Pond Road
Otis Maine 04605