Hello - My name is Nick Patterson and I work at a public elementary school in Maine. I was wondering if anybody ever donates plants? We are fortunate to have both an art and a garden program. The students raise food that they also harvest and prepare for daily meals. We did our first empty bowl supper last year, where we made and sold bowls to raise funds for the local food pantry. I am the art teacher, and I am very much into sensory gardens. So I like gardens for color, and smells and tastes. I have always run on a zero budget. I have done shiitake logs with middle school students, and we did a wonderful seaweed project with younger grades - harvesting, eating, and printmaking. We also created outdoor classrooms in the woods by the stream.
The plants I am requesting are Kousa, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium grandiflorum, sweetie star stevia, miyoga, sweet cicely, swamp saxifrage, red oca, potato onion, Babington leek, elephant garlic, damiana, red lake currant, orris, contorted mulberry, fig, primula vulgaris, zebra grass, hardy pecan, patchouli, white turtlehead, saffron, salad burnet, dwarf ginseng.
I have specific things that I would like to request, but I am looking for any suggestions you might have as well, that you think would work in this type of program. If you can send seed or plants, the below address is fine. I appreciate any assistance. Thank you.
Nick Patterson
606 Springy Pond Road
Otis, Maine 04605