M. Drake

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since Jan 26, 2021
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I looked into Earthaven and visited a couple times, but like Chastity said, it's not cheap and the community is very loose, everyone does their own thing and there's little actual cooperation.  It's great for what it is, if that's your thing, but we're looking for something different.
3 years ago
Hi!  That's great to hear.  We have another couple with whom we are coordinating to begin the land search, hopefully finding something this spring/summer.  We'd love to hear more about you and see if it's something that will work for us all.  Contact me marcusdrak<at Google's mail service>.
3 years ago

Sheri Rasko wrote:Hi... We are in Alabama... Would you be interested in coming here?
You can email me and we can talk.
Have great day

Hi Sheri!  We're looking to stay within an hour or so of Asheville NC, thank you for your response!
3 years ago
Hello, we are M and A, a spiritual middle aged couple with plenty of skills and experience to bring to the table.  We are in search of others with land who wish to share and work toward a more self-sufficient and sustainable future.  Whether this an individual with a dream who needs help, or an intentional community seeking to add capable hands, we are prepared to meet the challenge. We are currently living in western North Carolina and feel strongly drawn to the mountains here, it is our desire to find a rural property large enough to comfortably support everyone's needs.  SKILLS: wild foraging, reiki, sound healing, electrical, plumbing, woodworking, carpentry, natural building, mechanical.  We are easy-going musicians\writers\ artists\creators who find inspiration in the quiet calm of nature, and would love to find the people and place we jive with.  If this resonates with you, let's start a dialog!
4 years ago
That sounds beautiful. My partner and I (42f & 48m) are looking for a situation like this.  I have extensive experience in handyman type work, know my way around a tractor and excavator.  I have built custom cabinets, an outhouse, a cobb house, sun room, a yurt, and more.  We would be interested in knowing more about you and your property
4 years ago