G Brent

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since Nov 03, 2021
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Recent posts by G Brent

T Blankinship wrote:Have you looked into building a trompe?

Yeah, it's not really the same concept at all.  I'm look at bring down the temperature of air in a 3 stage system.  I don't care about the compressed air aspect at all.  I think trompes are super cool!  I think about doing a water ram at the bottom and with the french drain.  
2 years ago

Trace Oswald wrote:

It's a cool idea.  Some thoughts that may or may not be valid.  I'm not sure you need the Fresnel lens at all.  If you do, maybe focusing it higher on your tube, on the tube itself would draw the air through faster?  

You said 24/7, but at night when it gets cooler outside and the sun goes down, won't the air flow stop, or you're planning to keep a fire going all the time?

That's what the heat bank is for. The rocks and sand will provide radiant heat should be coming off that and the convection effect will still happen.  Given it will be a lesser degree then during the day.  I'm hoping that the Fresnel lens will heat it up even higher than expected.  I've seen them heat up stuff to 4000 F .   So if that happens than that will a bonus.
2 years ago
So this is a design for a geothermal windmill that I've been working on and am in the process of building/testing.   I thought I would open source this and share it with all of you.  I'll try to document things as this project develops.

The idea is for a home sided windmill system that would always have wind 24/7. Cold air moves to hot air so we want to capitalize on that differential as much as possible.  The greater the difference of temperature the more wind will be created and the faster a windmill/turbine will spin. The earth and sprinkler mist and evaporator cooling will cool the air as it piped through the ground in 3 stages.  I'm hoping it will cool the air down to around 0 C(32F). Then it will encounter Fresnel lens/fire heated rocks/sand bed(heat sink bank) that will super heat that air to around 260 C(500 F) and provide suction through thermal convection of the air. Turbines will be placed between ground and the heat bank as well as in the convection pipe above the heat bed.  Here's a diagram to help understand.   I would love to hear you input on this design, I haven't seen anything like this.  I have a couple engineers helping me on this project with the math and such, but I'm totally open for other building this system as well and testing it. What do you guys think?
2 years ago
We are a family of 5 just on the east side of Kansas city.  We are looking at building an aircrete homestead and connecting with other permies in the area.
2 years ago
We really like MO for the homestead freedom!
2 years ago
We are a family of 5 just on the east side of Kansas city.  We are looking at getting some Land in the Kansas city MO area and doin an aircrete house around 2000sq/ft. I was raise on a farm and my wife has a green thumb. Would love to meet up with yall if you are up for it.
2 years ago

Joshua Frank wrote:My desire for electric is not primarily to save on gas, but to have a machine that doesn't require internal combustion engine skills to maintain and repair, and to run quietly and without toxic fumes.

I feel the same too. I'm doing an electric hybrid on a new kind of solar/water power that would spin a telsa turbine and telsa turbine pump. Here's the science and application.


3 years ago
We are here in lawrence!  We would love to meetup, the farmers market are a great place to start. Hyvee is also very open to local farmers from our experience.
3 years ago