G Brent wrote:We are a family of 5 just on the east side of Kansas city. We are looking at getting some Land in the Kansas city MO area and doin an aircrete house around 2000sq/ft. I was raise on a farm and my wife has a green thumb. Would love to meet up with yall if you are up for it.
That sounds good to me, will discuss it with the wife as I
should be home for a couple days here shortly. Time to get together is in rather short supply right now, hoping things will calm down a bit in late April. Planning to take a week off work then for my twins birthday.
We’ve found a great community up here in Eagleville, about 100 miles North… plenty of Amish, farmers, ranchers, and other blue collar folk that look out for each other. I’d really like to see (help out on if possible) an aircrete home… my dream of an
Oehler style/wofati hasn’t changed, but my wife wants a more conventional style home. So, I think we will be building a slab home with radiant heated floors and icf walls. We may not use the radiant floors though, as she has already okayed a RMH for the living room.
I dislike using so much
concrete, but we DO need a storm/tornado
shelter, and this way the entire house qualifies. Planning to put in off grid
solar with nickel iron batteries, and a cistern to catch water off the metal roof plus a septic system.
With all that, my goal of a $50 style house and a
willow feeder is getting pushed back. I do want a happy wife though, and she has changed or given up many things too.
How old are your kids? Ours are almost 10 and involved in 4H, church, and the government schools up here in a small town are totally different from the PC schools in the KC metro area. Never did masks or shots, kids sit
side by side in the halls… so much nicer than the atmosphere in KC was getting to be! BTW, my wife has some experience from helping her grandma as a girl, processing
chickens, cooking in an Adobe outdoor
oven, etc.
I’d be happy to stay in touch and see what we can arrange. I’ll send you a PM with my cell number, as a trucker though I often work odd schedules, FYI.