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Emily DuBord

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since Feb 18, 2022
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31, nearly 32 single female currently living on a boat in the Boston Harbor. Born in Miami, but raised in the Hudson Valley, NY. Been in Boston for 10+ years. No kids, and not really interested in them. Have two cats.

Interested in buying land in south eastern ma, south eastern nh, or south me. I love New England and all there is here!
(Still commutable for work, for at-least a while)

Ideally, yurt life, with various out buildings. Prefer electric hook up just in case, but solar/wind mainly. Outhouse, composting toilet. Don’t want a septic. Rainwater collection, stream/spring if possible. Town water fine if not. Would love internet…….

Hobbies including motorcycles, arts and crafts, bonfires, listening to music and audiobooks. Recently learning welding and enjoying all the power tools!

Love spending time with friends and want my place to be able to accommodate guests!
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New England, USA
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Recent posts by Emily DuBord

C. Letellier wrote:That might be another interesting question here.  I am on spectrum.  Classic aspie to use old term.  Anyone else here.

I STRONGLY suspect about myself but have never pursued diagnosis. At this point in my life I don’t think a diagnosis would due much for me other than to confirm suspicions.
2 years ago
Hi Kyle,

Nice start to a low-key thread!
I’m sure there are others who aren’t quite ready for a want-ad either, but open to ideas.

I’m Emily. Almost 32 and single.  
I grew up in upstate New York but have lived in Boston for the last 10 years. The last six of which have been on a boat docked in the harbor. I am a manager by trade, and mentality as well… I currently run an ice cream shop/cafe with anywhere between 20-35 employees. Before that I ran local and national convenience stores.
Just finishing up college now. I went traditionally after high school for associate degrees. One in music theory and one in humanities and social science, then took five years off school realizing that’s not really what I wanted to do… Went back part time as of 2017 and I’ve got one class left for an MBA after completing a bachelors in business and a graduate certificate and financial management last year. So it’s taken me what feels like forever I’m proud to say I’m graduating debt-free, only attending classes when I could make the payments in cash (not qualifying for aid anyway). For me, 2023 feels like a good year for a career change so I want to nail down exactly where I want to get some land.

I’m interested in some sort of hybrid permie situation. In 2013 I designed what I affectionately call “yurtville”. So I’m interested in 10-20ish wooded acres, off the beaten path but close enough for creature comforts like grocery stores or Home Depot.
If somehow, someway, utilities were already established, such as well water and septic, that would be dope but after years on a boat I have discovered I really don’t need traditionally running water or plumbing. I’m very cool with composting toilets, rainwater collection system, even utilizing showers at places like the gym, for example. I would love electricity and Internet…

I’d like yurts for a living, with other buildings for fun like a nice big workshop, garage, sheds. I want to create little rooms in the woods with meandering paths like outdoor kitchens and various fire pit areas, and I love the idea of a mountain bike/dirt bike track through the whole thing! I’m down to grow all sorts of things, fruits and vegetables, chickens, whatever, but it’s not my main priority to eat off the land. I really really want to grow loofahs though. Like REALLY.

In my free time I visit upstate New York often, and I love playing with my friends! I ride motorcycles with a few groups, so we make the rounds of New England, further if we’ve all got time off. I’ve recently gotten into welding, artistically, not functionally. I probably can’t fix anything just yet but I can make a tulip out of spoons. As well as motorcycle and car maintenance classes.

So I mostly want a comfortable but interesting living arrangement, away from the crowds and neighbors, but close enough for a normal life and room for friends to visit and stay! I want to be able to walk out my back door and not see anything or anyone but what is mine and not have to worry about anybody else. Especially when I decide I want to attempt to carve a tree stump into a bear figurine at six in the morning or blast some music at 11 PM.

Woah that ended up way longer than I planned.

2 years ago
I won’t lie, I didn’t read every single comment in this thread so something might be a duplication here but my friend group is 99% women, 1% their boyfriends.

When it comes to group activities and getting people together and things like that, we do a lot of classes utilizing the skills of someone. Glassblowers, mechanic, welder, etc. If you can find anyone, female, to host those types of workshops at your place, provided you have the capability to do so, then you could essentially advertise that as female classes. If the person hosting the class or experienced has a public social media platform, then you could reach others as well as facilitate some questions from potential participants.

I might be down to do some thing based on all that but would definitely be more likely if it was posted by a woman for women etc.  that’s all the rage these days, at least in my circle, of getting women into various trades that are typically male dominated.
2 years ago
I try to reuse what I can each year. Or use zero waste groups or freecycle to offer it up if I can cut it up into big sheets to use as small home greenhouses or for other purposes.
2 years ago
I got ESTJ-A.

It stands for Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. This test has correctly called me out for being type A 😅

According to the poll I’m the only one so far.
2 years ago

Jennifer Davis wrote:Thanks for all this info about wrapping rvs.  I might try something like the boat.  There needs to be a way to ventilate also.  Maybe make holes in the top with elastic around the edges and put them over the roof vents to let out sewage gases and allow the roof vent fan to work.  

Yeah you could have the plastic going around anything that needs to be vented and then heated to shrink tight around that. And for desired ventilation on unusually warm days we have zipper windows that are made of the same material that you can just unzip and pin up. You can have them placed in the same position as any interior windows you would desire to open.  
2 years ago

Greg Sims wrote:Looking for a like-minded woman that is interested in starting a homestead family somewhere in the northeastern US, ideally between the ages of 23-35. I’m currently living off grid on a rental property in the Hudson Valley of NY, but am planning on purchasing acreage (10-20 acres) next year somewhere in the northeast. Very open to suggestions as there are many beautiful places in this neck of the woods, as long as land there is decently affordable. I know it’s broad, but I’m hoping to really dial things in over the winter and get a little more clarity there.

Mostly hoping to just find a partner who is positive, hard-working, and really wants to live the simple life. Not necessarily saying we need to be hermits or only eat 100% what we grow, but it would be nice to set some realistic goals for living as close to the land as possible at that time, with the long term goal of being largely self-sufficient.

I’ve worked on farms, been a wilderness guide, a seaweed harvester, solar panel installer, and now I build furniture. Very pragmatic but also very open to the more ethereal elements of the human spirit and exploring strong emotional connections through direct conversation.

Anywho, I don’t want to rattle on too much about myself. Really tough to get to know a stranger through text on a screen. If anyone out there thinks we may be a good fit, shoot me a line and we can maybe get to know each other via email/phone with the possibility of (fingers crossed!) meeting in the physical world.

Hope you’re having a nice day, hangin in there, and I look forward to hearing from folks.


Hi Greg,

I’m new to permies here, and still forming what I ultimately want, so much of it all is based on other circumstances. One decision could yield 3+ maybes!

I grew up in the Hudson Valley. In Boston now and looking for some land around this way too!

2 years ago

William Bronson wrote:Hi Emily, welcome to Permies!
Your boat sounds very interesting, any chance you could post photos?

That’s how it looks all wrapped up.
2 years ago

Kevin Sullivan wrote:Hi there.

  Anyone have idea(s) about unconventional ways to wrap a travel trailer for insulating purposes in temperate winter climates for full time living?

If you’re still looking for suggestions, perhaps wrapping like a boat for winter storage? I live in a boat year round in water, so in the winter it’s framed out with wood and wrapped tight with clear wrap which acts like a greenhouse.

Still chilly at night as that’s all I’ve done, but keeps the wind, rain and snow off! If it’s sunny, even in single digits, it’s warm inside!
2 years ago
I love the idea of having your own corner to do what you want, but having a community to call upon for help or to offer help yourself!
2 years ago