Alex Ordonez wrote:Hello, and I'm sorry for the lack of information on the pictures. Please refer to the new attached pictures below for the description and the explanation.
Picture 1: Inversion table went to my wife's treatment room (she's a natural healer).
Picture 2: Little desk went inside our house for our little kid homeschool ( tried to sell it but no one wanted to pay my asking price).
Picture 3: Hello bin with clay for crafts went inside the house as it should. (that's the best spot we could find for it).
Picture 4: Little cooler hanging on the ceiling now instead off hanging on top of other items.
Picture 5 & 6: the lights cages have wheels and I don't really have a spot for them, so they just get moved from place to place on the garage (they are big, so hard to find a spot).
Picture 7 & 8: the bikes get moved from place to place, as this is the nature of bikes as they get used.
Picture 9: The blue bucket now is on a corner on the garage.
Mess picture 1: Hand truck is and it has been at a friends house for a while, but it's going on my shed now not the garage. black and yellow bin, is on the attic empty now. boxes on top of the pink slide and black and yellow bin were give aways and they are gone (donated). pink wooden slide was part of a bed we sold, so had two move it out and gave it to the new owners of the bed. plastic bin under the pink slide is on my garden shed now, it's fire wood, so that's a better place for it.
Mess picture 2: Chair holding the box is on the attic as is part of a set, but we don't have space for it inside the house. Nerf guns and basket, donated to same charity as the give away boxes. Cabinet slide basket box donated as well. Little red fire truck sold it. Yellow vacuum on box, sold as well.
Thank you for your time!
Alex Ordonez wrote:I love keeping my working space organized so I can find stuff. It had gotten cluttery with stuff that needed to be sold, given away, organized and placed better so I can do projects more efficiently. The freezer was sticking out and I found a spot for it, yay! For this "clean" took about 4 hours. This is something I do regularly/weekly 1-3 hours because I'm always doing projects.
Alex Ordonez wrote:This is one of my favorite soups my mom made for us. So this hits home every-time I make it. Love the smell of the chiles when they are roasting, and the soupy cheese taste with the beff and chiles is just unbelievable. Enjoy!