marcin dop

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since Dec 06, 2022
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Recent posts by marcin dop

thank you. I know. but mostly it is a problem if they are build wrong. people who are doing it has no expirience and are doing some stuff wrong. so I know there is some danger
3 months ago
I  am curious about building an eathship on inheritance ground. if I dig inside the earth the back wall has to be somehow support. I know that tires are also used as retaining wall. but what if the ground is  a heavy clay ground grab for about 2meters deep (about 6,5 feet) should I support the back wall stronger in someway? thanks
3 months ago
Hi everyone
I would like to ask you about earthship foundation. I know original earthship has no foundation. but I am going to build it in Poland and because of the climate i have to. My Idea is to do strip footing but not with concrete but out of tires instead like an earthship- and than fill it with sand and than put a thin concrete layer on the surface- like the classical strip footing does. or maybe do you have another ideas? what do you think?
1 year ago
okay but what about this? :
they are also using wood profiles
larch is one of the best wood for building. it doesn't react strong to  wet air and low temperature. also the premade wood profile has to work somehow, because it is wood. Am I wrong?
2 years ago
I have again some question about earthship. because I am about building one maybe alredy this year- if all documents will be accepted. but shure next year in worst case

my question is about the green space in the winter garden
would it be possible to get there a lawn? I love to lay on the lawn. my Idea was to get one inside of the home between the plants.
Would it  work? I know probably there could be some problem with wet air inside. Am I wrong? But what would you say? would it be possible?
Here is a sketch:
2 years ago
okay but what about wood frames by windows. they are also working. i saw videos of building of earthship where the  people are setting the windows with silicon on wood frame. I mean the difference is only the ofrm of the wood. the classical frame iis recentangle and I would like to use raw looking but dry round wood with distance foam frame to eloud the wood to work and move.
2 years ago
no  I am not.
this is only the first simple sketch the technical drawings from architect looks diferent and has all airflow etc system inside. By the way it is going to be build in South Poland so a cold area
2 years ago
ups okay I meant a dry raw wood- so round  dry larch wood not a fresh cutted
2 years ago
thanks for your advices. this was also the point what I was afraid of
the Idea was to cut the raw wood not exactly in the middle. the back bigger part of the wood would be the constuct part and the front being  outside of the buildig would be smaller thiner ad would be only a screwed part that you could screwed out and take the window anytime out.
but exactly there s the second point thet you mention- the wood is working. I would use larch wood which is good but it is workig. you right. recentangle wood is ofcourse the best classical way. but somehow the look of raw wood is for me much more exciting and i was wondring if there would be any way to use it in a raw way
2 years ago
I am right now going to build an earthship and looking for some information about windows
i will lok like this:
I would like to know if any one has some idea about the window frames. I wol like to use a raw wood round frames cutted in the middle set the windows between and set on silicon witht distance wood spacer something like this:
would it be working
any ideas how to manage it?
2 years ago