Timothy Norton

master gardener
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since Aug 12, 2023
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Tim is a big dreamer working at a piddler's pace.

On a third of an acre in a village, living alongside his wife and trusty hound, Tim works towards living life within nature instead of at odds with it. Chickens, gardening, mushrooms and much more occupies Tim's mind as new projects appear and old projects complete. Tim is currently working towards renovating his 1850's home while turning lawn into edible space.

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Upstate NY, Zone 5, 43 inch Avg. Rainfall
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Recent posts by Timothy Norton

Well done all!

Can you believe it's february?
I'm definitely pro-owl. They are keystone species that consume a variety of small invertebrates which can help keep mouse/vole/mole/other small mammal populations in check.

Also... how cool is it to hear them call out in the early morning?

I think a big 'limiting' factor is the size of nesting space available. I'm not sure if it is species specific but snags or dead standing timber seems to be important for the owls near me.
1 day ago

Please share some of your favorite ferments or fermentation stories!
1 day ago

This came across my feed and I found the video intriguing.

I figure I would share it for everyone to enjoy.
2 days ago
Something I find interesting is that hornworms are utilized in the reptile keeper community as a food source but they can't have consumed tomato plant material because it makes them toxic. They bioaccumulate alkaloids as mentioned previously and that can make certain critters sick.

2 days ago
Today is my thirty second birthday.

My heart is full from the love that I have been shown by friends and family. I truly am blessed to be surrounded by these folks. I reflect on the past year and look forward to the next.

Highlight from the past year is definitely getting married to my best friend.

My hopes for the following year include creating at least another hundred square feet of growing space on my property.

How the time starts flying.
2 days ago