I'm looking for the same thing!
My wife is from southern California and we're planning to move to that area (likely, San Diego County) in the next few years.
We just had our first son and I've always dreamed of raising our kids in community. I've admired from afar places like Ecovillage at Ithaca, Earthhaven, and Ecovilla San Mateo, and I'd love to be part of a group with aspirations to live more ecologically and regeneratively.
I've been diving more into the cohousing model as pioneered by folks like Katie McCamant in California and I've been so surprised that of the dozens of cohousing communities in California, basically all are in NorCal:
If anyone who sees this would be interested in exploring doing a cohousing development/ecovillage in socal, I'd love to connect.
Brandon in Guatemala