Matthias Hacker

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since Jan 13, 2025
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Recent posts by Matthias Hacker

Luckily your wife did not allow you to use the angle grinder inside the house!

A beauty she is!

Bye the way, where I live the best quality bricks are more yellow-brownish then red, but I also like the red colour a lot.
1 week ago
It‘s perfectly clear, thanks a lot!
So what you wrote about the tuning of the air inlet did apply to the older J tube riser design, not to the last developments like Shorty and Dsr3.

I see what a challenge it is for my wife to tune the air inlets of our regular wood stove so that it‘s running smooth and fine, I don‘t blame her for that, but it will be so much easier with a self regulating design. Also for me of course, not to take care of that every now and then. Now I „only“ have to get the build done 🙏
2 weeks ago

Peter van den Berg wrote:
Most of the time there are three steps:  door open a crack to start with, door open half a crack (step1), door closed (step2), partially close the air inlet (step 3). With half a load step 3 is left out, the exhaust temperature will be stable by itself in that case. Time isn't the factor to go by, always the exhaust temperature. This a result of testing this heater endlessly, there seemed to be a direct correlation between chimney temp on the one hand and performance in terms of highest efficiency and lowest CO level on the other.

Hello everyone,
my first post here…

Peter, may I ask about the air regulation you described above. I‘m a bit confused, because I thought your batch box designs are supposed to run ether full throttle when burning or with the air supply completely closed at the end of the burn. I remember you did design an air flap on your commercial Dsr3 like this, ether fully closed or fully opened.

Since I’m looking for starting a Dsr3 build soon, I wonder if I should go for a tuneable air flap design. With my traditional wood stove the several air intakes ask for a lot of tuning depending on outside temperatures, wind, chimney temps and so on. So I asked myself if this all is taken care of only by the internal self regulation of the special core design.

Thanks a lot!
2 weeks ago