Part I: The Prosperity Paradox
1-1. Green Prosperity: Quit your Job, Live your Dreams
1-2. Wealth Becomes Work: The History of Progress
1-3. Illusions: Industriously Pretending to Work
1-4. Hand-to-Hand: Redistributing Income to Consumers
1-5. Overshoot: Too Much of a Good Thing
1-6. Fool's Gold: Profiteering to the Poor House
1-7. No Sentient Life on Earth: Automatons at Work
1-8. Break Free From the Machine: Path of the Successfully Unemployed
1-9. Prosperity through Conservation: Nega- dollars and Opportunity Cost
1-10. Make it Happen: Exit Ramp Ahead
Green Prosperity is a guide to personally disengage from the cycle of destruction, outlining concrete steps to take control of your life and live your own Dreams.
Author Thomas J. Elpel demonstrates how to join the ranks of the successfully unemployed, free to live off surplus abundance or re-engage and make a positive contribution.
Green Prosperity outlines the path to achieve prosperity individually, as well as the road we must take to achieve sustainable prosperity for all.