It still feels like I'm running on "Event time" instead of being back to our normal
boot schedule.
I'm so grateful we could set the schedule to have a nice 4-day weekend after all the work during the RMH Jamboree.
I've been able to sort through all of my footage from the event and get it ready for editing. Now I just have to do so with the extra footage from one of the attendee's of the event.
However, aside from that, miss Erne and I are planning a trip up to Glacier National Park for a couple days off and staying lakeside for hopefully some lovely scenery while we're up there. Can't wait to grab some photos along the way to share!
I also completely missed out on gathering pics for this week because I just really needed a break from being behind a screen.
I will be spending much more time behind one in the weeks to come.
I have really been excited for the boot days coming up and the projects we'll get to work on as I find it much more enjoyable than videography. 😏
Also, winter is coming! And I'm grateful to my sister for sending me some silk liner gloves and socks! Those will be a lovely
gift for the months to come!