I've noticed lately at
coffee shops and other public places that quite a few people are getting together in meet up groups which were advertised
online. There are dating groups, religious groups and others concerned with everything from skateboarding to needlepoint. Basically anyone who has an interest in the advertised event shows up at the meeting spot.
I can see this working very well for people on this forum who wish to share resources. I always have lots of useful items to give away and I'm sure there are many others in the same position. Sometimes it's just a matter of passing on information about some locally available resource or event that might be of interest to the group. The information to be found on this forum is great but quite often useful resources and interesting get-togethers are much too far away to be practical for me. For Canada we have the great White North section. It's a very big place. Even in my province there are people who are three days travel from Victoria. So we need to go much more
local. It looks like the best connected group are in Missoula and I hope to take my tour bus there at some point.
I already know just about every hard-core scrounge in Victoria since they've all showed up at my demolition sales over the years and many like-minded people have met while loading
wood and pulling nails. Several friendships and business relationships have evolved out of these chance meetings. More than half of my social circle are people I've met in this way." All work and no play..."
May I suggest that active members in various locations offer to host a meet up group. Events could be held at coffee shops, and at homes and farms.
This would naturally lead to carpooling when the Victoria group decides to travel to Courtney to visit that group. (Len?)
These groups could be given catchy names. What about the Victoria Mud Muckers, or Victoria Scrounge Hounds.
So for Victoria BC I'm suggesting that we meet up at the Starbucks in Cook Street Village. I'm also willing to host at my farm near Nanaimo or we could meet at one of my demolition jobs and everybody can drive away with free two by fours and