Hi everyone.
Just stumbled upon you site after doing some research on
Rocket Mass Heaters (and picking up Ianto Evans book) .
I live in Mauk Georgia in a self build house that is a hodge podge of techniques (
Cob, SuperAdobe /earth bag and even one strawbale wall). Since it's getting winter I figure now would be a fun time to fool with
RMH's, but luckily I live in middle Georgia where the winters are pretty mild but I can still get down as low as the teens on occasionally but then it can get in the 60's in January too.
I also working on trying to finish up a ferro-cement roof, but I am not real active on that ...now that cooler weather is here I need to get back to that.
I've raised Goats, Pigs and ducks and
chickens but currently only have about 15 chickens. I took up Kayak fishing and need less responsibility around the homestead.
I work as a web developer with Habitat for Humanity.
Don't have any questions or even any fancy photos to share but thought I'd introduce myself to the community.
I have a web site
http://www.gypsyfarm.com or if you want to skip of the front page and just check out the initial building of the house you can go straight to
http://www.gypsyfarm.com/original/gypsyfarm.htm On my stove
project I'm in the
scrounging for parts phase so once I get a inventory of pipes, barrels etc together, I might have a question or at least to a show and tell thing.
Pat Newberry
