Funny, I was just checking to see if anyone had responded to this and it looks like it just never got posted properly....
I was reading in 'Tending the Wild' about how California indigenous basketmakers harvested/harvest lots of sedge
roots for basketmaking. The roots are especially nice if the sedge patch has been tended to, weeded, and the roots are long and straight.
Hm. I just weeded out a huge patch of quack grass this week. Oh man, those are some long straight roots. I bet if quack grass was around when more people were making baskets it may have even been a highly sought-after item.
So, basket-makers: what's a good guess as to how to process this. In Tending the Wild, the ladies would harvest the roots, then dry to use later. What do you think is the ideal season to harvest quack grass? How long
should it be dried?