Hi everyone
I have a goal to build a working
permaculture model that serves as a business incubator for regenerative/permaculture startups/entrepreneurs.
I've found that in trying to find resources, I'm pulling from all over the show and feel that a central source of resources would really help my journey. As I'm finding my own legs in this journey, I've decided to start a weekly newsletter that provides resources to others on the same journey - hoping to build themselves as
sustainable entrepreneurs providing useful, regeenerative businesses.
Each week, I'll be releasing 3-5 resources from which I've drawn wisdom from each week. They'll be split into the categories of self-care (no entrepreneur will sustain themseves without looking after themselves first), entrepreneurial strategy, and
permaculture. I'm providing actionable insights to help build businesses while also building oneself to support that.
In providing this handy tool, straight to your inbox, I hope to give you a quicker way to find useful content. My thought is that all the searching for resources makes us all unsure what to listen to and where to go. Instead, I'm hand curating these resources from the plethora of things I read, watch, and listen to each week - to help us all out as I go. After all, if I'm doing it anyway, it's only right to pass it on.
The first newsletter goes out on Friday, and you can sign up on either my website or my
Patreon (don't worry both are free!):
https://permieemmy.com or
Here's a little insight into the journey I'm taking and why I'm doing this; I hope you'll all join me on my learning journey so we can all provide better fair share economically viable businesses to disrupt this mess we call a market!
Thanks and hope to see you there!