Recently I found a blogging site where the author publishes chapters from Dr. Han Kyu Cho’s Korean Natural Farming Handbook. The English version of that book is impossible to find or buy.
These original sources explain the background and reasoning behind these recipes, something that most KNF sites leave out.
Dr Cho in his original book also gives some alternative methods. For example IMO-1 can also be collected by directly mixing leaf mold with steamed rice, instead of the more complicated method of burying a wooden box with steamed rice under the lead mold. Or creating LAB from beans instead of rice wash water and milk.
Adriaan van Roosmalen wrote:Recently I found a blogging site where the author publishes chapters from Dr. Han Kyu Cho’s Korean Natural Farming Handbook. The English version of that book is impossible to find or buy.
These original sources explain the background and reasoning behind these recipes, something that most KNF sites leave out.
Thank you so much for posting this fabulous resource!
I have the Kindle version of the JADAM book, that I read on my Lenovo tablet. The son does not provide this information in his JADAM book. He found the methods of his father too complicated, so he simplified things. Some things like creating LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria) he just left out.