So, if you live in the Olympia area, you might have heard about Olympia
Local Foods (if not, they serve as a kind of go between between farmers and customers; farmers tell them how much produce they have, and how much they want to
sell it for, and then OLF relays that information to the customers and facilitates the transaction for both parties)-
Now, they're working to create a "Community Food Incubator"- basically, a certified facility, where small time farmers like my self can make things like pickles, jams, and dried foods and then sell them legally. I myself would really like to see them succeed, because I have a number of items that I'd like to make, but currently can't. They are currently asking for donations, so if you're in the area and would like to see this kind of food security and independence (i.e., food from local people, instead of food teleported from who knows where grown in who knows what kind of situations) develop more, please consider supporting them.
Here's their website:
And here's their Kickstarter page: