I have been using Google's Calendar as a journal to document my
gardening activities:
when tomatoes planted as seeds indoors,
type of tomatoes,
when started putting them out,
when walnuts germinated,
when I put strawberry runners in small pots,
when I cut the runners and transplanted the individual new plants,
notes about whether I
should have done something earlier or later,
when the sunflowers were put in the ground outdoors,
Basically, I make a lot of notes to track what I have done wrong, and how I can do better.
I am wondering if there is an
online journal specifically designed for gardeners, one that offers the capability to attach photos to posts, so the progress of plants can be documented.
Locally, we seem to have had an early spring, and looking back on photos of, say, when a fig tree budded out and how fast it grew in a week would be useful to know in future years. I am always scrolling back and forth through my calendar to remind myself when plants were fertilized, pruned, etc.
Any suggestions?