Permaculture to Youth: A Webinar for Educators, Facilitators, Organizers, and Families
Hosted by PAN with the generous sponsorship of Johnnys Seeds, based in Maine.
Join us for a conversation about teaching
Permaculture Design, food production, and ecological literacy to children and young adults! Learn how two northeast educators are providing youth with tools to create positive change in their communities, develop a sense of empowerment, and connect deeper with food and nature.
Monica Ibacache is the Founder and Executive Director of Beyond Organic Design (BOD) (
http://www.beyondorganicdesign.org/), an urban educational nonprofit organization based in NYC dedicated to
sustainability and
permaculture education for children in order to prepare them to inherit the earth in the face of climate disruption. Monica’s work focuses on teaching students how to design and create ecologically diverse environments in their playgrounds, gardens, and campgrounds. Monica is also the President of the
Permaculture Institute of North America (
Stephanie Aubert is the Director of Program Development at Grow Nashua (www.grownashua.org) where she teaches grades K-5 and the founder of Grasshoppers Landing (www.facebook.com/GrasshoppersLanding), a regenerative farm and forest which seeks to nourish creativity and inspire innovation in agriculture. She is passionate about ecological literacy and education and social justice.
*Webinars are FREE to PAN members and $10-50 (sliding scale payment) for non-PAN members. To register for this webinar, please visit
Facebook event page: